Website Speed And Performance Optimisation
Reduce load time & increase page speed with speed optimisation
Have you ever come across slow websites? Most of us have. Slow websites are an inconvenience that can discourage users and potential customers, therefore affecting your bottom line. How so? A 2-second load time delay during transaction can lead to abandonment rates of up to 87%.
79% of online shoppers refuse to return and make another purchase at an underperforming site. On top of that, 44% of them would tell a friend about their poor online shopping experience. A speed optimised site can not only lead to a better user experience, it can also increase customer trust and confidence in your business.
What Is Speed Optimisation?
Page speed is how fast web pages are downloaded from web hosting servers and displayed on your browser. Page load time is how long it takes to load the entire webpage content upon clicking the link. Speed optimisation aims to reduce these times.
In the age of speed, users have become more impatient. Speed optimisation of websites can help overcome this problem. Our team can assess and optimise your website to reduce load times and enhance its performance.

Why Does Your Website Need Speed Optimisation?
A slow landing page has many adverse effects on your website. This includes negative impacts on your SEO, user experience, conversion rate, bounce rate, and AdWords quality score. Furthermore, speed (or user experience as a result of speed) is also a Google ranking factor. Therefore, improving the speed of your site is one of the most effective ways to improve its performance.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Site speed is absolutely crucial to any business, even mega web corporations like Google. The search engine giant once experienced a 20% drop in traffic due to just half a seconddelay in page load times. If half a second could spell the difference between staying or leaving, imagine what shaving a few seconds of load time could do for your business. After all, Amazon managed to increase its revenue by 1% for every 100 milliseconds it shaves off its load time.
A few seconds could actually spell a world of difference for your bottom line. Nearly 50% of web users expect a load time of 2 seconds or less. In fact, they would abandon a site that is not loaded within 3 seconds. Even if you feel your website is pretty fast as it is, it’s best to have a professional assess and optimise the speed of your site. This is because online shoppers perceive wait times as being 35% longer than they actually are.
What We Can Do To Increase Your Site’s Speed
Unfortunately, 99% of response time issues are caused by a slow User Interface. Our Speed Optimisation team can help address this, amongst other issues you might have. Here are some of what we can work on to increase the speed of your website:
HTTP Requests Minimisation
The more on-page components your site has – such as images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash – the longer it takes for the page to load. We can simplify your design and combine different file formats to reduce HTTP requests.
Redundant Code Removal
Reducing bandwidth use and bytes. More than 36% of desktop page weight of most sites comes from third party scripts.
Code Minification
Minifying code removes unnecessary characters from source code without affecting its functionality, so your code is as lean and clean as possible.
CSS Delivery Optimisation
Streamlining CSS delivery to reduce HTTP requests. One external CSS stylesheet is preferred instead of inline CSS to reduce the size of your code.
Prioritise Visible Content
Delay Javascript and CSS that are not visible in the ‘above-the-fold’ (top of the page) content to allow visible content to load faster.
Plugin Minimisation
Widgets and plugins can hamper website performance and generate security concerns. Quality and functionality should matter over quantity.
Image Optimisation
Compressing your site’s image assets to decrease overall size. There are three things to focus on: size, format and the src attribute. The median leading ecommerce site is only1258 KB in size.
Image CSS Sprites
Merging all theme images with image sprites. Image sprites can reduce server requests and save bandwidth.
Large pages that are heavy and slow to download can be compressed. Compression reduces HTTP response by decreasing the bandwidth of your webpages.
Browser Caching
Enabling caching allows your browser to store the elements of a webpage in a temporary storage. This allows fast loads the next time you visit the webpage.
Reduce Server Response Time
Server response time is the amount of time a server needs to response to a browser request. Even if your pages are fully optimised, a slow server response time can cause your page to display slow.
Use of Content Delivery Network (CDN)
CDNs serve webpages based on the user’s geographical location, choosing a server closest to the user for faster load times.
Use of Content Delivery Network (CDN)
CDNs serve webpages based on the user’s geographical location, choosing a server closest to the user for faster load times.
What Our Service Aims To Achieve
At the end of the day, our Speed Optimisation services aim to achieve the following for your site and your business:
Increased Speed
Improve the download speed of your webpages from web hosting servers to enhance usability and user experience
Improved Search Engine Rankings
Organically gain more exposure and visibility to potential customers through SEO
Higher Conversion Rates
Generate more sales and leads through better user experience and increase usability